Radio Bio

I’m Paul Anslow VK2APA. I reside in the village of Largs in the Lower Hunter Valley, having recently relocated from western Sydney in 2019.

As a child I was fascinated with radio and became a short wave listener. My introduction to Amateur Radio was when I was 12 at a hobby exhibition. I was fortunate to meet Reg VK7KK and Rob VK7RH who were operating a HF portable station. I was handed the mic, spoke with a Soviet amateur and became instantly hooked.

Making my hobby my profession and other distractions meant that it took until 2012 before I finally sat the advanced assessment and became licenced. I have previously been a member of the WIA in Tasmania. I support national representation and rejoined the WIA once licenced.

In 2012 I was elected to the Amateur Radio NSW council and took on the role of Education Officer from Terry VK2UX (SK), until relocating in mid 2018. During this time I introduced ARNSW to social media by establishing a Facebook page. Introducing people to the hobby is a passion of mine, so the role of Instructor and co-ordinator of foundation training and assessment and running Monday night standard and advanced upgrade classes, was extremely satisfying.

In 2019 I was nominated and elected to the board of the Radio Amateur Society of Australia's purpose is to support amateurs and revitalise the hobby.

I retired professionally in May 2019 from a career in Naval RF communications and electronics, working in both the government and private sector. My roles and experience included technician, in-service support, procurement, contracts, compliance, change management, liaison and ISO 9000 auditing.

My current interests in the hobby are HF data modes, DX chasing, responding to WWFF stations, improving my CW and building of equipment. My shack is still under construction. Our hobby provides much to explore and I plan to add other activities, such as satellites and a WSPR Beacon to the list. I still listen to Shortwave Broadcast and Utility stations and still have that excitement I felt as a child.

Coming back to the hobby in 2012 after an absence of 40 odd years was a shock!

My old Yaesu FT7B transceiver looked very basic in comparison to the equipment available now. I’m impressed with the great technical advancements in the hobby, however it’s disappointing to see that the numbers of active amateurs has declined and some are unhappy with the way things are. 

It is sadly notable that there is disconnect between our national body, the members it represents and their ineffectual representation to the ACMA. It was not surprising that the bid to retain assessment services was not successful.

Whilst some of the local clubs are doing well, some are doing it tough, some are fragmented and some only serve the desires of their management. I noted as ARNSW Education Officer that new licensees have little support and as a result some have become disenchanted and drift away.

Our hobby needs to become inclusive, supportive, modern and relevant if we are to retain our existing amateurs and attract the next generation. A number of overseas clubs are actively addressing these issues so why not us? I see RASA’s role is to engage with the amateur radio community, listen and respond. RASA is not the enemy—what will ruin Amateur Radio is apathy and inaction.

I am looking forward working with everyone and drawing on my background to the benefit of amateur radio. I believe that the amateur radio has a lot to offer in this new technology age and with the correct approach and support can grow and continue being a great hobby of the 21st Century.

73 Paul VK2APA

(updated Sept 2023)

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