August 2013 - JT65 QSLs
Icom IC-7200, HF + 6M - for SSB and Data.
Icom IC-706, HF, 6M & 2M - All Mode 2nd Rig.
Yaesu FT-8800, 2M & 70cm FM.
Icom AH-4 Antenna Coupler with a 75 foot sloping longwire.
Comet GP-15 for 6m, 2m & 70cm.
LDG Z-100 Auto Antenna Tuner
The station needs an alternative HF antenna(s) .
I am located 35km (22mi) west of the city of Sydney, and 26km (16mi) away from the foothills of The Blue Mountains.
Grid Square: QF56lf, ITU Region: 3, ITU Zone: 59, CQ Zone: 30, IOTA: OC-001
JT65 JT9 Output Power is 10 Watts
M0OSH England JT65 20M
M0STO England JT65 20M
9H1D Malta JT65 20M - A new country on JT65
R3NA Russia JT65 20M
EA7IU Spain JT65 20M
OO5SWA Belgium JT65 20M
TA1GO Turkey JT65 20M - - a new country on JT65
UR5MED Ukraine JT65 20M
UU9JQ Ukraine JT65 20M
S51NH Slovinia 20M JT65 - a new country on JT65
SWL Report from Italy -I2-1566/MI heard F4CLN 20M JT65
SWL Report from Italy -I2-1566/MI heard F4CLN 20M JT65
DJ5JD Germany JT65 20M
F4CLN France JT65 20M
HA7CD Hungary JT65 20M
M0STO England JT65 20M
PC5E Netherlands JT65 20M
SQ3LLJ Poland JT65 20M
SV6DBL Greece JT65 20M
4X/UW4QQ Israel JT65 20M - A new country on JT65
AH6RR Hawaii JT65 20M- A new country on JT65
DM8BJF Germany JT65 20M
FK8HG New Caledonia JT65 20M - A new country on JT65
FO5QJ French Polynesia JT65 20M - A new Country on JT65
OK1CT Czech Republic JT65 20M
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