
Showing posts from August, 2013

August 2013 - JT65 QSLs

Rigs Icom IC-7200, HF + 6M - for SSB and Data. Icom IC-706, HF, 6M & 2M - All Mode 2nd Rig.  Yaesu FT-8800, 2M & 70cm FM. Antennas Icom AH-4 Antenna Coupler with a 75 foot sloping longwire.  Comet GP-15 for 6m, 2m & 70cm. LDG Z-100 Auto Antenna Tuner The station needs an alternative HF antenna(s) . I am located 35km (22mi) west of the city of Sydney, and 26km (16mi) away from the foothills of The Blue Mountains. Grid Square: QF56lf, ITU Region: 3, ITU Zone: 59, CQ Zone: 30, IOTA: OC-001 JT65 JT9 Output Power is 10 Watts  M0OSH England JT65 20M  M0STO England JT65 20M 9H1D Malta JT65 20M - A new country on JT65  R3NA Russia JT65 20M EA7IU Spain JT65 20M OO5SWA Belgium JT65 20M TA1GO Turkey JT65 20M -  - a new country on JT65  UR5MED Ukraine JT65 20M  UU9JQ Ukraine JT65 20M S51NH Slovinia 20M JT65 - a new country on JT65 SWL Report from...