
Showing posts from 2013

Christmas Greetings


November 2013

Rigs Icom IC-7200, HF + 6M - for SSB and Data. Icom IC-706, HF, 6M & 2M - All Mode 2nd Rig.  Yaesu FT-8800, 2M & 70cm FM. Cross Country Wireless SDR4+ Receiver  Antennas Icom AH-4 Antenna Coupler with a 75 foot sloping longwire.  Comet GP-15 for 6m, 2m & 70cm. LDG Z-100 Auto Antenna Tuner The station needs an alternative HF antenna(s). Antennas For Portable Use End Fed Dipole 80M though to 10M, 9:1 Balun, 12.5 Meters Windom 40/20/10/6M Total Length 22.25 Meters I am located 35km (22mi) west of the city of Sydney, and 26km (16mi) away from the foothills of The Blue Mountains. Grid Square: QF56lf, ITU Region: 3, ITU Zone: 59, CQ Zone: 30, IOTA: OC-001 JT65 JT9 Output Power is 10 Watts

Early November 2013


September 2013 - JT65 QSLs

Rigs Icom IC-7200, HF + 6M - for SSB and Data. Icom IC-706, HF, 6M & 2M - All Mode 2nd Rig.  Yaesu FT-8800, 2M & 70cm FM. Antennas Icom AH-4 Antenna Coupler with a 75 foot sloping longwire.  Comet GP-15 for 6m, 2m & 70cm. LDG Z-100 Auto Antenna Tuner The station needs an alternative HF antenna(s) . I am located 35km (22mi) west of the city of Sydney, and 26km (16mi) away from the foothills of The Blue Mountains. Grid Square: QF56lf, ITU Region: 3, ITU Zone: 59, CQ Zone: 30, IOTA: OC-001 JT65 JT9 Output Power is 10 Watts  EA7KZ SPAIN JT65 20M MM0DHQ Scotland JT65 20M - A New Country on JT65 Country Number 44 

August 2013 - JT65 QSLs

Rigs Icom IC-7200, HF + 6M - for SSB and Data. Icom IC-706, HF, 6M & 2M - All Mode 2nd Rig.  Yaesu FT-8800, 2M & 70cm FM. Antennas Icom AH-4 Antenna Coupler with a 75 foot sloping longwire.  Comet GP-15 for 6m, 2m & 70cm. LDG Z-100 Auto Antenna Tuner The station needs an alternative HF antenna(s) . I am located 35km (22mi) west of the city of Sydney, and 26km (16mi) away from the foothills of The Blue Mountains. Grid Square: QF56lf, ITU Region: 3, ITU Zone: 59, CQ Zone: 30, IOTA: OC-001 JT65 JT9 Output Power is 10 Watts  M0OSH England JT65 20M  M0STO England JT65 20M 9H1D Malta JT65 20M - A new country on JT65  R3NA Russia JT65 20M EA7IU Spain JT65 20M OO5SWA Belgium JT65 20M TA1GO Turkey JT65 20M -  - a new country on JT65  UR5MED Ukraine JT65 20M  UU9JQ Ukraine JT65 20M S51NH Slovinia 20M JT65 - a new country on JT65 SWL Report from...

Some JT65 on a Sunday Afternoon

Between web browsing the following stations were worked;

Interfacing PCs and Transceivers

My Icom IC7800 has a built in USB Soundcard and CAT interface which works well, but I  have been looking at ways to interface my icom IC708 transceiver so I may also use it for JT65, JT9, PSK31 and other data modes. The Audio data side is quite simple but to be able to CAT control the IC708 as been an issue. Both the CAT to USB leads sourced have had issues with the chipset/driver which has made them useless or unreliable. Then I spotted this little device called SUCCI - Simple USB CAT & CW Interface. Besides being a USB to CAT interface there is optoisolated CW and PTT outputs, a Keyline input suitable as a remote PTT, (e.g footswitch) and three LEDs to show status. SUCCI-T is configurable as Yaesu, ICOM or Kenwood control by jumper selection. The build is excellent and has all the appropriate RFI components fitted. The driver is the reliable  FTDI USB to UART chip FT-232RL. For more visit  h...

10 Meter Opening Saturday Morning

Just running JT65 at 20W into a Long Wire Antenna. Worked USA AL, NV, LA and Alaska. Two JAs, two Canadians and Asiatic Russia.

Australia Day

The 26th of January is celebrated here as Australia Day . The ACMA allow Radio Amateurs to use the prefix AX for the day. I ran JT65 at 20W into the 70 Ft long wire Antenna using the Icom AH-4 Coupler, an Icom IC7200 Transceiver and my Asus Eee PC. The software I use is Ham Radio Deluxe (need it to supply PTT)  JT65-HF to decode along with JT-Alert and JT-Macros. The Log looked a lot like this; My QSL Card looked a lot like this; Below are my received QSLs;